Monday, March 29, 2010

A Dinner of Covenience

Once again, Morningstar Farms saved my evening. I rolled in to the apartment so hungry at about 8:45pm. Not the best time to start cooking something elaborate. But it's pretty simple to pop a few veggie burgers in the oven and make a meal out of it! My favourite veggie burger is the Morningstar Farms spicy black bean burger. Heat it up in the oven and top it with a little cheddar and some salsa, it's delicious.'s the kicker...if you skip the bun you can double up on the burgers and still have a relatively low calorie meal. This double burger meal with a side salad was so filling, I couldn't finish it. The entire plate contents rang in well under 500 calories (according to my internet calorie sources). Can you believe it???

I like to pair up my high protein burgers with a good side salad. This one had lettuce, sprouts, carrots, red onion, green pepper, cucumber and was topped with a few almond accents. I love a good salad, always very refreshing and it makes your insides feel healthy, you know that feeling, don't you?! But who enjoys chopping up all those veggies, especially if you just want a salad for one. Well, here's my tip. I keep a "salad bar" in my refrigerator. When I get back from the supermarket, I take an extra 20 minutes when putting stuff away to chop! Containers of pre-chopped veggies fill the fridge so that when I'm up for a salad I can just pick what I am in the mood for and be ready to eat in less than 10 minutes. Trust me, it's worth it and you'll be eating more veggies in no time! Once I started keeping everything pre-chopped, I noticed I was throwing out a whole lot less of rotten smelly veggies, yes this was very wasteful I know! I'm getting better. Anyway another delicious and very quick dinner idea I'm happy to share with others. I hope you try it out! And of course, the counts: approximately 32g of protein and 46g of carbs. That's a great ratio!

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