Monday, March 29, 2010

Greek Yogurt Unveiled

There's almost no doubt in my mind that you have recently been in the supermarket and noticed a change in the yogurt section of the dairy aisle. Like there wasn't enough yogurt choice already, now there's this whole other area of a special yogurt, Greek yogurt. This yogurt is creamier and richer and more dessert like - uh, yum! It appeals to a different palate than those regular yogurt lovers out there. Overall it's probably not that different from regular yogurt but nutritionists like to praise it's lower sugar (aka carb) content and higher protein content. Not only is this what someone with PCOS is looking for but it's also something that makes you feel fuller. I say, bring it on!

I like to round out my Greek yogurt snack with a bunch of roasted, unsalted almonds. Research has shown that almonds can be beneficial for lowering LDL cholesterol and risk for heart disease. They also are said to prevent after meal sugar spikes which protects a body against diabetes and cardiovascular disease. There is so much literature out their that you can read about almonds, so if you are interested in learning more, I send you out to Google land! I can't confirm the research but I've got nothing better to go on right now and I like the taste so I tend to take the almond plunge! Be sure to count those almonds though, because as healthy as they are with their good fats...even a handful could skyrocket your calorie intake for the day! What's that? aAbout 13g of protein and 15g of carbs, how WONDERFUL!

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